Rock Bridge Memorial State Park
COMOTA trail stewards are currently working with Park Staff on 3 proposed reroutes. The trails have been walked & GPSed by Trail Stewards and Park Staff. Clearance applications are pending.
Priority #1- Fall line root section of Springbrook trail up from Bonne Femme Creek.
Priority #2- Raise tread in a perpetually wet spot near fenceline on Deer Run trail.
Priority #3- Reroute Springbrook trail down from Upper Parking lot removing rubber water bars and making the trail more sustainable.
UPDATE- Reroute of Deer Run Trailhead entrance completed November 2023 by COMOTA volunteers.
Rhett’s Run
Construction on the new Rhett’s Trailhead and Bike Park will begin Spring 2024. Trail Stewards and COMOTA leaders are meeting with Park Staff and American Ramp Company staff working on details. The project will have one more public input session once designs are created. This project is fully funded (by private donation and the park sales tax) and received City Council Approval January, 2023.
Gans Creek Recreation Area
A public Input meeting for the project was held August, 24th 2023. Public comment was very positive and the project won full approval with the Parks and Recreation Commission in October 2023. Getting City Council approval is the next step.
Finger Lakes State Park
A new trail built by COMOTA in November 2022 added 1.5 miles to existing 2.5 miles of trail making Kelley Branch Trail a total of 4 miles long.
MTNF Cedar Creek Unit
COMOTA entered into a Cooperative Agreement of GOA Funding in March 2023 with MTNF to rehab Smith Creek Loop and Moon Loop trail systems. Potential reroutes have been scouted out and GPS’d. Plans are being made for future work events. Multiple reroutes are being proposed by COMOTA Trail Stewards to MTNF Staff so clearances can be submitted.
Three Creeks Conservation Area & CPS Nature School
New trail has been proposed at Nature School and Three Creeks that will be built by COMOTA volunteers. COMOTA Trail Stewards met with staff in September 2023. We are awaiting approval from CPS and MDC to begin construction on the proposed trail in January 2024.